

The goal of the 加里·霍洛维茨 服务学习 Program is to foster an environment of social responsibility and community engagement, and to prepare students for their roles as citizens of the communities in which they live and work.


Dr. 加里·霍洛维茨

Dr. 霍洛维茨在k8彩乐园app官网下载工作了28年, 首先是作为历史系的一员, 然后是校友和家长项目主任, 最后担任大学发展高级发展官员. 此外,博士. 霍洛维茨积极参与阿尔弗雷德社区的活动, serving as mayor of the Village of Alfred and a member of the 社区 Chest Board of Directors, 以及其他公民和文化团体. 他还是社区周报《迪士尼3彩乐园》的出版人.



Dr. 霍洛维茨是公民参与的倡导者. 他鼓励他的学生积极参与阿尔弗雷德社区, 特别是在将公民参与与他们的学术研究和职业抱负联系起来的方面. 为了继续这项工作,也为了纪念. 霍洛维茨对阿尔弗雷德村的献词, his former students worked with Alfred University to create the 加里·霍洛维茨 服务学习 Program.



The 加里·霍洛维茨 服务学习 Program mission is to assist in the development of meaningful service learning opportunities for Alfred University students. 这些机会将培养公民责任感, 提供适用于员工的经验和技能, 并在学生之间培养一种广泛的互利共同体意识, 教职员工, 以及社区伙伴.

Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, 教导公民责任, 加强社区.

k8彩乐园app官网下载在为学生提供服务学习机会方面有着悠久的历史. New methods and opportunities for civic engagement are continually developing and adapting to changes on campus and throughout the community. 每学期, courses with a 服务学习 designation are offered in various academic departments; these courses offer students the opportunity to become engaged in the community through scholastic pursuits. 各种各样的志愿者机会也为学生提供, 教师, 以及对个人或团体志愿服务感兴趣的员工.

服务学习的概念(UNIV 115)是开放给所有k8彩乐园app官网下载的学生, 不管你打算主修什么专业或者是哪个学年. Concepts of 服务学习 is cross-listed as a Social Justice Studies minor course (SJST 115), and includes readings and discussion on the ideals of civic engagement and what it means to work toward equity for all members of society.

这个2.000 credit hour course combines weekly class meetings with service hours spent in the local community in an exploration of what it means to be engaged in service learning as a way of accomplishing and demonstrating civic engagement. Each student chooses a 社会正义 issue to investigate over the semester in preparation for a final presentation merging their 社会正义 research with reflections on their service experience. The class meets together one hour per week to discuss assigned readings and student reflections on service, 社会正义, 课程内容.


  • 参加服务学习课程的学生对课程内容有更深的理解, 从而获得更好的成绩和更高的课程满意度.
  • 服务学习经验可以增强与其他学生的社交网络, 教师, 以及社区伙伴.
  • 服务学习为学生提供了早期的职业重点, 更明确的职业目标, 以及适合市场的技能.
  • The real-world experiences gained through service learning can help inform students' decision-making and enhance their employment potential.
  • 学生 enrolled in service learning courses often develop a stronger sense of self and higher self-esteem.
  • Participation in service learning experiences results in greater involvement and integration into the Alfred community.

学生可以在Banner中搜索包含服务学习组件的课程. 如有问题,请联系服务学习协调员 about service learning courses and volunteer opportunities in the community.

The 加里·霍洛维茨 服务学习 Program provides support to 教师 who include service projects into classroom-based curricula. 这个项目有资源, 包括与当地社区服务机构和组织的联系, 协助教师发展服务学习课程.

  • 服务学习为课堂带来了公民参与和责任的维度.
  • 学生 will be able to take abstract concepts and practices learned in the classroom and apply them to service projects, 从而对课程材料有更深的理解.
  • 服务连接鼓励班级参与和参与.
  • Including service learning components in your courses also provides an opportunity to share your experiences with colleagues through professional publications and conference presentations.

包含服务学习部分的课程可能会在班纳获得指定, 允许学生搜索具有服务学习属性的课程. 为了让一门课程获得SL指定, 指定申请必须提交服务学习咨询委员会批准. 如有问题,请联系服务学习协调员.

The 加里·霍洛维茨 服务学习 Program is eager to cultivate opportunities for students to engage with the community through service. 使用Handshake,社区合作伙伴可以为学生发布志愿者机会. Nonprofit agencies and community service organizations interested in recruiting student volunteers or participating in day of service programs should contact the 服务学习 Coordinator.


The 加里·霍洛维茨 服务学习 Program supports Alfred University’s annual non-partisan voter registration efforts, working in collaboration with the Center for Student Involvement 和 Judson 领导 Center, 以及与其他办公室和校园里的其他合作伙伴. 选民登记小组还与校外伙伴合作, 比如ALL-IN校园民主挑战, NASPA和校园投票项目, 妇女选民联盟, 以及阿勒格尼县选举委员会. k8彩乐园app官网下载的年度选民登记活动包括电子邮件, 社交媒体, and poster campaigns; tabling; voter education and civic engagement programming; and get-out-the-vote efforts leading up to and including primary elections and Election Day.


k8彩乐园app官网下载在选民登记方面的努力获得了几项认可, 包括被校园投票项目评为选民友好型校园(2018年), ALL-IN校园民主挑战赛的银印章(2019), 并被指定为美国最佳学生投票学院之一(2020年) 《迪士尼3彩乐园》.

学生, 教师, 还有工作人员对登记投票有疑问, 投票, or partnering in support of the AU 选民登记 Team’s annual efforts are encouraged to contact the 服务学习 Coordinator for more information.


U.S. 投票及选举资料



你的选票上有什么? (Ballotpedia)

Alfred University is committed to helping our local community and communities further away in the wake of natural disasters. 下面的指南来自 国家和社区服务公司国际灾害信息中心 将有助于最大限度地发挥我们对救灾工作的贡献.

  • 首先,寄钱: 处理, 排序, and distributing donated items takes time that aid workers do not have in the immediate aftermath of a crisis. Financial contributions provide immediate relief without adding stress to local aid workers and organizations.
  • 向当地组织捐款: 当地的救援组织了解这个社区. 使用以下网站 “慈善导航 寻找值得信赖的救援组织. 选择一个你支持的机构或组织:食物银行, 儿童援助, 当地人道协会, 血液和组织库, 健康中心, 其他组织也都需要援助.
  • 发送物资前询问: always check with local relief agencies before shipping goods to communities recovering from disasters. 那些在现场的人知道哪些物品是最需要的.
  • 在去帮忙之前先等一等: 灾后恢复的社区将需要多年的支持, and extra labor will be most appreciated once the local infrastructure can accommodate out-of-town volunteers.
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